Source code for neuralogic.core.builder.components

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, List

import jpype
import numpy as np

from neuralogic.core.settings.settings_proxy import SettingsProxy
from neuralogic.core.constructs.java_objects import ValueFactory
from neuralogic.utils.visualize import draw_sample, draw_grounding

class Atom:
    __slots__ = "substitutions", "_atom"

    def __init__(self, atom, substitutions: Dict):
        self.substitutions = substitutions
        self._atom = atom

    def value(self):
        return ValueFactory.from_java(self._atom.getRawState().getValue(), SettingsProxy.number_format())

class NeuralSample:
    __slots__ = "java_sample", "grounding", "literal_cache"

    def __init__(self, sample, grounding):
        self.java_sample = sample
        self.grounding = grounding
        self.literal_cache = None

    def target(self):
        return ValueFactory.from_java(, SettingsProxy.number_format())

    def get_atom(self, literal):
        literal_name =
        literal_arity = literal.predicate.arity

        if self.literal_cache is None:
            self.literal_cache = self._get_literals()

        if literal_name not in self.literal_cache:
            return None

        atoms = []

        for subs, value in self.literal_cache[literal_name].items():
            if len(subs) != literal_arity:

            literal_subs = {}
            for term, sub in zip(literal.terms, subs):
                term_str = str(term)

                if term_str[0] == term_str[0].upper() and term_str[0] != term_str[0].lower():
                    if term_str in literal_subs and sub != literal_subs[term_str]:
                    literal_subs[str(term)] = sub

                if str(term) != sub:
                atoms.append(Atom(value, literal_subs))
        return atoms

    def _get_literals(self, expected_types=("WeightedAtomNeuron", "AtomNeuron", "FactNeuron")):
        literals = {}

        for atom in self.java_sample.query.evidence.allNeuronsTopologic:
            atom_type = str(atom.getClass().getSimpleName())

            if atom_type not in expected_types:

            name = str(
            bracket = name.rfind("(")
            space = name.rfind(" ", 0, bracket if bracket != -1 else None)

            substitutions = tuple()

            if bracket != -1:
                subs = name[bracket + 1 :]
                name = name[space + 1 : bracket]

                r_bracket = subs.find(")")
                substitutions = tuple(subs[:r_bracket].split(", "))
            elif space != -1:
                name = name[space + 1 :]

            if name not in literals:
                literals[name] = {}

            literals[name][substitutions] = atom
        return literals

    def get_fact(self, fact):
        name =
        arity = fact.predicate.arity

        for term in fact.terms:
            term_str = str(term)

            if term_str[0] == term_str[0].upper() and term_str[0] != term_str[0].lower():
                raise ValueError(f"{fact} is not a fact")

        if name not in self.literal_cache:
            return None

        term_tuple = tuple(str(term) for term in fact.terms)
        for subs, atom in self.literal_cache[name].items():
            if len(subs) == arity and term_tuple == subs:
                return atom
        return None

    def set_fact_value(self, fact, value) -> int:
        if self.literal_cache is None:
            self.literal_cache = self._get_literals()

        sample_fact = self.get_fact(fact)
        sample_fact.offset.value = value
        return sample_fact.index

    def draw(
        filename: Optional[str] = None,
        value_detail: int = 0,
        graphviz_path: Optional[str] = None,
        return draw_sample(self, filename, show, img_type, value_detail, graphviz_path, *args, **kwargs)

[docs] class Neuron: def __init__(self, neuron: Dict[str, Any], index): self.index = index = neuron["name"] self.weighted = neuron["weighted"] self.activation = neuron.get("transformation", None) self.inputs = neuron["inputs"] self.weights = neuron.get("weights", None) self.offset = neuron["offset"] self.value = neuron.get("value", None) self.pooling = neuron["pooling"] self.hook_name = Neuron.parse_hook_name( if self.value: self.value = json.loads(self.value) if self.weights is not None: self.weights = list(self.weights) if self.inputs is not None: self.inputs = list(self.inputs)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_hook_name(name: str): splitted_name = name.split(" ") if len(splitted_name) == 3: return splitted_name[2] return None
[docs] class Weight: def __init__(self, weight): self.index: int = weight.index = str( self.dimensions = tuple(weight.value.size()) self.value = json.loads(str(weight.value.toString())) self.fixed = weight.isFixed if not isinstance(self.value, list): self.value = self.value if not self.dimensions: self.dimensions = (1,) if self.fixed: self.value = np.array(self.value).reshape(self.dimensions)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_unit_weight() -> "Weight": weight = Weight.__new__(Weight) weight.index = 0 = "unit" weight.dimensions = (1,) weight.value = 1.0 weight.fixed = True return weight
[docs] class BuiltDataset: """BuiltDataset represents an already built dataset - that is, a dataset that has been grounded and neuralized.""" __slots__ = "samples", "batch_size" def __init__(self, samples: List[NeuralSample], batch_size: int): self.samples = samples self.batch_size = batch_size def __len__(self): return len(self.samples) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.samples[item]
class Grounding: __slots__ = ("grounding",) def __init__(self, grounding): self.grounding = grounding def draw( self, filename: Optional[str] = None, show=True, img_type="png", value_detail: int = 0, graphviz_path: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs, ): return draw_grounding(self.grounding, filename, show, img_type, value_detail, graphviz_path, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class GroundedDataset: """GroundedDataset represents grounded examples that are not neuralized yet.""" __slots__ = "_groundings", "_groundings_list", "_builder" def __init__(self, groundings, builder): self._groundings = groundings self._groundings_list = None self._builder = builder def _to_list(self): if self._groundings_list is None: self._groundings = self._groundings.collect(jpype.JClass("").toList()) self._groundings_list = [Grounding(g) for g in self._groundings] def __getitem__(self, item) -> Grounding: self._to_list() return self._groundings_list[item] def __len__(self) -> int: self._to_list() return len(self._groundings_list)
[docs] def neuralize(self, *, progress: bool = False): if self._groundings_list is not None: return self._builder.neuralize(, progress, len(self)) if progress: return self._builder.neuralize(self._groundings, progress, len(self)) return self._builder.neuralize(self._groundings, progress, 0)