Source code for neuralogic.nn.module.general.gru

from neuralogic.core.constructs.function import Transformation, Combination
from neuralogic.core.constructs.factories import R, V
from neuralogic.nn.module.module import Module
from neuralogic.nn.module.general.rnn import RNNCell

class GRUCell(Module):


    input_size : int
        Input feature size.
    hidden_size : int
        Output and hidden feature size.
    output_name : str
        Output (head) predicate name of the module.
    input_name : str
        Input feature predicate name to get features from.
    hidden_input_name : str
        Predicate name to get hidden state from.
    arity : int
        Arity of the input and output predicate. Default: ``1``

    def __init__(
        input_size: int,
        hidden_size: int,
        output_name: str,
        input_name: str,
        hidden_input_name: str,
        arity: int = 1,
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size

        self.output_name = output_name
        self.input_name = input_name
        self.hidden_input_name = hidden_input_name

        self.arity = arity

    def __call__(self):
        terms = [f"X{i}" for i in range(self.arity)]
        p_terms = [*terms, V.Z]
        h_terms = [*terms, V.T]
        input_terms = [*terms, V.T]

        r_name = f"{self.output_name}__r"
        z_name = f"{self.output_name}__z"
        n_name = f"{self.output_name}__n"
        n_helper_name = f"{self.output_name}__n_helper"
        h_left_name = f"{self.output_name}__left"
        h_right_name = f"{self.output_name}__right"

        next_rel =, V.T)

        r = RNNCell(
        z = RNNCell(

        h_weight = self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size
        n_helper = R.get(n_helper_name)(h_terms) <= (

        i_weight = self.hidden_size, self.input_size
        n = R.get(n_name)(h_terms) <= (R.get(self.input_name)(input_terms)[i_weight], R.get(n_helper_name)(h_terms))

        h_left = R.get(h_left_name)(h_terms) <= (-R.get(z_name)(h_terms), R.get(n_name)(h_terms))
        h_right = R.get(h_right_name)(h_terms) <= (

        h = R.get(self.output_name)(h_terms) <= (R.get(h_left_name)(h_terms), R.get(h_right_name)(h_terms))

        return [
            n_helper | [Transformation.IDENTITY, Combination.ELPRODUCT],
            n_helper.head.predicate | [Transformation.IDENTITY],
            n | [Transformation.TANH],
            n.head.predicate | [Transformation.IDENTITY],
            h_left | [Transformation.IDENTITY, Combination.ELPRODUCT],
            h_left.head.predicate | [Transformation.IDENTITY],
            h_right | [Transformation.IDENTITY, Combination.ELPRODUCT],
            h_right.head.predicate | [Transformation.IDENTITY],
            h | [Transformation.IDENTITY],
            h.head.predicate | [Transformation.IDENTITY],

[docs] class GRU(Module): r""" One-layer Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) module which is computed as: .. math:: r_t = \sigma(\mathbf{W}_{xr} \mathbf{x}_t + \mathbf{W}_{hr} \mathbf{h}_{t-1}) \\ .. math:: z_t = \sigma(\mathbf{W}_{xz} \mathbf{x}_t + \mathbf{W}_{hz} \mathbf{h}_{t-1}) \\ .. math:: n_t = \tanh(\mathbf{W}_{xn} \mathbf{x}_t + r_t \odot (\mathbf{W}_{hn} \mathbf{h}_{t-1})) \\ .. math:: h_t = (1 - z_t) \odot n_t + z_t \odot h_{t-1} where :math:`t \in (1, sequence\_length + 1)` is a time step. In the template, the :math:`t` is referred to as :code:`V.T`, and :math:`t - 1` is referred to as :code:`V.Z`. This module expresses the first equation as: .. code:: logtalk (R.<output_name>__r(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<input_name>(<...terms>, V.T)[<hidden_size>, <input_size>], R.<hidden_input_name>(<...terms>, V.Z)[<hidden_size>, <hidden_size>], R.<next_name>(V.Z, V.T), )) | [Transformation.SIGMOID] R.<output_name>__r / <arity> + 1 | [Transformation.IDENTITY] The second equation is expressed in the same way, except for a different head predicate name. The third equation is split into three rules. The first two computes the element-wise product - :math:`r_t * (\mathbf{W}_{hn} \mathbf{h}_{t-1})`. .. code:: logtalk (R.<output_name>__n_helper_weighted(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<hidden_input_name>(<...terms>, V.Z)[<hidden_size>, <hidden_size>], R.<next_name>(V.Z, V.T), )) | [Transformation.IDENTITY], R.<output_name>__n_helper_weighted / (<arity> + 1) | [Transformation.IDENTITY], (R.<output_name>__n_helper(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<output_name>__r(<..terms>, V.T), R.<>__n_helper_weighted(<...terms>, V.T) )) | [Transformation.IDENTITY, Combination.ELPRODUCT], R.<output_name>__n_helper / (<arity> + 1) | [Transformation.IDENTITY], The third one computes the sum and applies the :math:`tanh` activation function. .. code:: logtalk (R.<output_name>__n(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<input_name>(<...terms>, V.T)[<hidden_size>, <input_size>], R.<output_name>__n_helper(<...terms>, V.T) )) | [Transformation.TANH] R.<output_name>__n / (<arity> + 1) | [Transformation.IDENTITY], The last equation is computed via three rules. The first two rules computes element-wise products. That is: .. code:: logtalk (R.<output_name>__left(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<output_name>__z(<...terms>, V.T), R.<output_name>__n(<...terms>, V.T) )) | [Transformation.IDENTITY, Combination.ELPRODUCT] (R.<output_name>__right(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<output_name>__z(<...terms>, V.T), R.<hidden_input_name>(<...terms>, V.Z), R.<next_name>(V.Z, V.T),, )) | [Transformation.IDENTITY, Combination.ELPRODUCT] R.<output_name>__left / <arity> + 1 | [Transformation.IDENTITY] R.<output_name>__right / <arity> + 1 | [Transformation.IDENTITY] The last output rule sums up the element-wise products. .. code:: logtalk (R.<output_name>(<...terms>, V.T) <= ( R.<output_name>__left(<...terms>, V.T), R.<output_name>__right(<...terms>, V.T) )) | [Transformation.IDENTITY] R.<output_name> / <arity> + 1 | [Transformation.IDENTITY], Additionally, we define a rule for the "stop condition", that is: .. code:: logtalk (R.<output_name>(<...terms>, 0) <= R.<hidden_0_name>(<...terms>)) | [Transformation.IDENTITY] Parameters ---------- input_size : int Input feature size. hidden_size : int Output and hidden feature size. output_name : str Output (head) predicate name of the module. input_name : str Input feature predicate name to get features from. hidden_0_name : str Predicate name to get initial hidden state from. arity : int Arity of the input and output predicate. Default: ``1`` """ def __init__( self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, output_name: str, input_name: str, hidden_0_name: str, arity: int = 1, next_name: str = "_next__positive", ): self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.output_name = output_name self.input_name = input_name self.hidden_0_name = hidden_0_name self.arity = arity self.next_name = next_name def __call__(self): recursive_cell = GRUCell( self.input_size, self.hidden_size, self.output_name, self.input_name, self.output_name, self.arity, ) terms = [f"X{i}" for i in range(self.arity)] return [ (R.get(self.output_name)([*terms, 0]) <= R.get(self.hidden_0_name)(terms)) | [Transformation.IDENTITY], *recursive_cell(), ]