Source code for neuralogic.nn.module.gnn.gen

from typing import Optional

from neuralogic.core.constructs.metadata import Metadata
from neuralogic.core.constructs.function import Transformation, Aggregation, Combination
from neuralogic.core.constructs.factories import R, V
from neuralogic.nn.module.general.mlp import MLP
from neuralogic.nn.module.module import Module

[docs] class GENConv(Module): r""" GENConv layer from `"DeeperGCN: All You Need to Train Deeper GCNs" <>`_. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Input feature size. out_channels : int Output feature size. output_name : str Output (head) predicate name of the module. feature_name : str Feature predicate name to get features from. edge_name : str Edge predicate name to use for neighborhood relations. aggregation : Aggregation The aggregation function. Default: ``Aggregation.SOFTMAX`` num_layers : int The number of MLP layers. Default: ``2`` expansion : int The expansion factor of hidden channels in MLP. Default: ``2`` eps : float :math:`\epsilon`-value. Default: ``0.0`` train_eps : bool Is ``eps`` trainable parameter. Default: ``false`` edge_dim : Optional[int] Dimension of edge features (``None`` is projection to ``in_channels`` is not needed). Default: ``None`` """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, output_name: str, feature_name: str, edge_name: str, aggregation: Aggregation = Aggregation.SOFTMAX, num_layers: int = 2, expansion: int = 2, eps: float = 1e-7, train_eps: bool = False, edge_dim: Optional[int] = None, ): self.output_name = output_name self.feature_name = feature_name self.edge_name = edge_name self.aggregation = aggregation self.num_layers = num_layers self.expansion = expansion self.eps = eps self.train_eps = train_eps self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.edge_dim: Optional[int] = edge_dim def __call__(self): feat_sum = R.get(f"{self.output_name}__gen_feat_sum") feat_agg = R.get(f"{self.output_name}__gen_feat_agg") out = R.get(f"{self.output_name}__gen_out") x = R.get(self.feature_name) e = R.get(self.edge_name) eps = R.get(f"{self.output_name}__eps") v_eps = eps[self.eps] if not self.train_eps: v_eps = v_eps.fixed() e_proj = [] if self.edge_dim is not None and self.out_channels != self.edge_dim: e = R.get(f"{self.output_name}__gen_edge_proj") e_proj = [ (e(V.I, V.J)[self.out_channels, self.edge_dim] <= R.get(self.edge_name)(V.I, V.J)) | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY), e / 2 | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY), ] channels = [self.out_channels] for _ in range(self.num_layers - 1): channels.append(self.out_channels * self.expansion) channels.append(self.out_channels) mlp = MLP(channels, self.output_name, f"{self.output_name}__gen_out", Transformation.IDENTITY) j_feat = x(V.J) i_feat = x(V.I) if self.in_channels != self.out_channels: j_feat = x(V.J)[self.out_channels, self.in_channels] i_feat = x(V.I)[self.out_channels, self.in_channels] return [ v_eps, *e_proj, (feat_sum(V.I, V.J) <= (j_feat, e(V.J, V.I))) | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.RELU, combination=Combination.SUM), feat_sum / 2 | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY), (feat_agg(V.I) <= (feat_sum(V.I, V.J), eps)) | Metadata( transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY, aggregation=self.aggregation, combination=Combination.SUM ), feat_agg / 1 | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY), (out(V.I) <= (i_feat, feat_agg(V.I))) | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY, combination=Combination.SUM), out / 1 | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.IDENTITY), *mlp(), ]